Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Confused from Momento?

Hmm what just happened? After leaving class today, I tried explaining to Lindsay what happened in the film, and found myself just as confused. I understand the point that he has been living a whole lie, by his doing, and knowing what the facts were, but that he didn't want to face the truth. What I don't understand is what is the truth behind Sammy Jenkins? They mentioned his story was made up and that he was a fraud, but was Lenny just confusing Sam's story with his own? Also I thought that his wife was raped than murdered, but I don't know maybe I am imagining this I could of sworn I heard Teddy say she survived the assault. I am confused if you haven't noticed lol ...but on the lighter side of things-Excellent film. I really enjoyed it and thought the scenario was genius.


  1. This was my 14ish viewing of this film, so I've got most of this stuff down pat.

    Leonard was confusing his own story with Sammy's because like Teddy said, he was creating a mystery for himself. He would leave out information in his past so he could continue pursuing "the killer".

    Leonards wife did survive the assault, but Leonard blocked that out. She really died when he injected her with too much insulin. That is where his story and Sammy's overlap. Sammy was a man who was a con artist, but Leonard convinced himself that his storyw as Sammy's.

    There are a lot of questions to be asked, and so many answers.

  2. I agree with Nick, here. Lenny tells the story about Sammy, but it is he who killed his wife with the insulin. This asks the question of how he could remember such a thing since it is after his injury. The main point is that Leonard is acting maliciously, manipulating himself by leaving messages that he not only knows are false, but ones that he knows will lead him to false conclusions, namely that "Teddy" is the man who murdered his wife.
